Sunday, 2 November 2014

Language and Literature of Blog #8

Why gaming is good for you!

Most of the controversial issues that the media is feeding us about video games is COMPLETELY untrue, kids can pick up bad language through online video games, games can confuse a person between reality and fantasy, and games lead to bad grades are all Falsified statements that can fully be dis-proven by scientific reasoning and experiments.

Kids can pick up bad language through online gaming may seem like a reasonable claim; however the child playing video games will eventually grow older to learn these words and will learn whether or not he wants to use them, there is no difference between the kid accumulating these words at a young age or at an old one. Eventually that kid will come up against these words in the future. Also, in the end it is the parents' jobs to take care of the child and send him the right way and away from using these words so if the kid was rightfully brought up there should be no problem with the kid using bad words.

Don't even get me started on the 2nd most common claim! what does that even mean ?! Of-course a normal human being with no mental disabilities would be able to tell the difference between reality and fantasy.

Just for your info: The following are some studies conducted on gaming and the results were sensational.

1) A study conducted by the Appalachia Educational Laboratory reveal that children with attention-deficit disorder who played Dance Dance Revolution improve their reading scores by helping them concentrate.

2) Action games, according to a Study by University of Rochester, train the player's brain to make faster decisions without losing accuracy. In today’s world, it is important to move quickly without sacrificing accuracy.

3) Steven Johnson, author of Everything Bad is Good For You: How Today's Popular Culture is Actually Making Us Smarter, calls this "telescoping." The gamer must deal with immediate problems while keeping his long-term goals on his horizon.

4) The most well known simulations are flight simulators, which attempt to mimic the reality of flying a plane. All of the controls, including airspeed, wing angles, altimeter, and so on, are displayed for the player, as well as a visual representation of the world, and are updated in real time.  

Note these are just a few scientific studies out of the countless ones conducted, so don't grasp the wrong idea on gaming as it is really helpful and mis-understood.