Sunday, 22 November 2015

English Perfect Paper 1

The following text is a propaganda leaflet by British Pacifist Norman Angell as stated on the bottom right-hand side of the text. The text is providing a reason for why Britain should not join the war. Created in 1914, the leaflet takes place in light of World War 1 and is a time of great nationalism by Europeans towards their own countries. Throughout this leaflet, Norman uses Ethos, Pathos, Logos, and font variations in order to gain support for his cause that Britain should not join the war.

The purpose of this leaflet is to convince the audience against joining the war, this can be justified as the author was a pacifist who opposed war. The author uses the fact that Britain would have to ally itself with Russia if it were to join the war as a reason for why the British should not join the war, this can be seen as the main headline of the leaflet "Why Fight for Russia." The intended audience could be the uneducated population, this is because author attempts to explain what Russia is, as seen in the second line "What is Russia." through providing information on Russia and it's political and social statuses, this signifies that the intended audiences are the uneducated as any person who is educated would know about Russia during the time. Also, the intended audience could be the unemployed. this is because at the end of the leaflet the author writes "get your local notables to hold meetings of protest against England." By providing information on how to protest against this cause implies that the intended audience has got a lot of free time on their hands which suggests that the intended audience could be the unemployed.

In summary, the leaflet conveys the ideology that Britain should not go to war as it will be alongside Russia, as seen in the first line "If England goes to war, it will be on the side of Russia." and continues to back up this statement by providing factual information and statistics to sway the audience's ideas in favor of the author's and concludes the leaflet by providing information on how to protest against the war.

The tone conveyed in the leaflet is a critical tone as the author is critical of Great Britain's decision to fight alongside Russia this is reflective in the statement made by Norman "Why fight for Russia." Also, the author continues by providing statistics and numbers such as "We spent 50,000,000 in the Crimea" and "140 million Russians, slaves of a corrupt autocracy" which further enhances the author's critique towards England's decision as it provides statistics against this cause.

The author uses logos to persuade and influence the audience's opinion regarding this matter. This is representative in the following statements made by Norman "Russia is the country to fight which we spent 50,000,000 in the Crimea" The author uses this sentence to show that Russia doesn't care for England as they invaded Crimea knowing that England had invested 50,000,000 pounds in it. Also, the author uses pathos in lines 12-15 "65 million Germans of our own race and blood" and "140 million Russian, slaves of a corrupt autocracy." By including this, the author implements contrasting information between Germany and Russia which creates a sympathetic connection between the audience and the Germans as the British can easily relate to the Germans due to them being "of our own race and blood." Also, the author utilizes the fact that Britain had an elected parliament in 1914 and implements the word "autocracy" to show how British and Russian ideologies contradict and that they should not fight alongside each other.

The author uses a variety of font sizes and underlines to add emphasis to the leaflet's main points which also attracts the audience towards more important aspects of his arguments. For instance, the author enforces his main ideology by including it as a headline and underlining it, as seen at the top of the leaflet "Why fight for Russia?" this allows for added emphasis by making this statement a focal point of the leaflet, also the author uses a vague claim "A war for Russia is a war against humanity." and adds emphasis to it by underlining Civilization and placing it in large fonts, this helps imply to the audience that this claim is an important claim and also acts as a focal point which would allow the author to get his main ideas across as they are focal points. Finally the author puts his call to action : "Britain, Stand Clear!"in a large font which allows the author to get his idea across.

All in all, Norman Angell uses logos, pathos, ethos, and font variations to gain support for his cause that Britain should not go to war.

IB Learner Profile Propaganda Poster

Wednesday, 11 November 2015

Prompt #1

"Deception is just as telling an outright lie"

An old Arabic quotes states: " If you want to take over a country, take over the people's thoughts." and the best way to do that is through the manipulation of media. The deception and manipulation of people's minds is a dangerous and unethical weapon.

The media and the news coverage that we invite to our living rooms each day are all possessed or in some cases influenced by wealthy and powerful people, let's not forget that these people, just like everyone on Earth, are human and therefore have opinions and desires too. They would do anything to protect their businesses or manipulate stories to gain support from the people whom they sell their products to.

 Lying in order to sway public opinion to favor a certain side through the deception of certain things whether it be for the most important national security reasons is unethical and delinquent. Most of us don't have access to firsthand information like news agencies do therefore portraying one side of the story for the purpose of persuasion or dissuasion is extremely immoral.

We live in a world today where we strive to achieve equity and justice; however with the constant exploitation and deception of stories through news coverage by governments and organisations to gain public support, we are always going to have different groundless opinions based on these beliefs and desires of these organisations in which we will constantly fight battles against one another due to certain ideologies implanted into our minds that negatively alter our view of certain societies and cultures.

The worst out of all, is deception of media to gain support for an invasion of another country. Millions of lives are at stake and just the single thought that the majority of the world would not know the real "truth" due to such manipulation is disheartening, and to add insult to injury with the growing number of news agencies and organisations and different opinions they bring along with it, finding the truth to a certain event is now close to impossible

Wednesday, 4 November 2015

Media Bias and Ideology Blog Post

Biased Article:
(Website funded and backed by FOX news.)


The so called "Palestinian terror attacks" on Israel are not as chaotic as they seem considering the fact that Israeli Forces have killed 9 times more CIVILIANS in the past decade than Palestinians have towards Israelis. Fox News needs to re-think their definition of "terror". It is also hard to believe that Palestinians are the terrorists when in-reality Israel where the ones to invade Palestinian land in the first place.

Palestine has been under constant siege from Israel since 1948, Palestinians are finding it very hard to re-grow their economy with the everlasting blockade and restrictions on imports and exports making Palestine the 126th out of the 180 ranked economies by Nominal GDP. It is estimated that sometime during the next 5 years Palestine's economy will take a giant collapse leading to an appalling famine which will inevitably lead to the demise of hundreds if not thousands of Palestinians living in Gaza.

Let's not forget the phosphorus infused bombs dropped over Palestine in the summer of 2009, this wasn't the first time Israel were accused of using prohibited weapons towards civilian-crowded areas in Gaza it was believed that they used the same weapon during their failed skirmish to take over Lebanon in 2006, and it was later confirmed to be true by a team of Italian scientists who took soil samples in Lebanon. These bombs killed about 900 Palestinians and injured 4,000 Palestinians, A UN report estimated that about half of the these numbers were civilians and half of those civilians were women and children.

According to United Nations estimates about 1,000,000 Palestinians live without electricity and about 750,000 are without clean water, this number was further enhanced because the white phosphoric bombs damaged major sources of water in Palestine as this toxic material was able to seep underground and mix with primary water reserves under-ground.

All in all, people who listen to FOX news need to stop and re-think their definition of terrorism when it comes to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict because the numbers and facts speak for themselves, and not the unsupported claims made by FOX news on the matter.