Monday, 23 March 2015

FOA Reflection

My FOA was based upon the focus question, how is language used to represent a social class in media types such as TV shows, rap songs, and magazine articles. The two learning outcomes in which i seek to achieve are as follows, firstly to analyse how audience and purpose affect the structure and content of texts, and secondly to analyse how language can either oppress or empower a group of people.

 Our group chose to present this FOA in the form of a video mainly because our voices tend to be clearer and easier to comprehend if we use a microphone rather than present our presentation live, and we wish to be ale to present our analysis and ideas clearer and in a more organized way than if we chose to present our FOA live; therefore our final decision on how we are going to present this FOA was based upon these two questions.

 I feel like we were successful in presenting this FOA due to many different reasons, firstly we provided the audience with a detailed and thorough analysis of three different media types (Rap song, magazine, and a TV show), we stuck to our topic and did not go off track during the presentation, each member of the group answered the main focus question at the end of our analysis of each of our specific media types, and spoke briefly about how language was used in the texts in relation to our focus question, and finally we provided the audience with examples from our media types to back up our analysis.

 Our strengths were our organization of the FOA, ensuring that the language we were using was appropriate and relevant to the task, and we conveyed good understanding of how language is used in each of the media types, as for our weaknesses, i believe that we should have improved on sticking to our time limit although we were only a minute under the required amount and we should make sure we are fully knowledgeable of our texts.

 The reason i chose my specific text is chiefly due to it being extremely relevant to answering my focus question and would help me achieve my self-assigned learning outcomes, Some of the features that i analysed in which i was able to demonstrate and answer my focus question through, were the author's word choice in the article, how the language used by the author portrayed women as lower citizens of a society, and the author's exclusion of women's important roles in society.

Some of the things i learnt from completing this activity were: learning how to edit and construct a video from scratch, the fact that there is power in language and that a certain social group can be oppressed or empowered depending on the author's use of language, and finally social classes can be degraded or upgraded through the language in many of the common media types we watch and listen to everyday.

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